Re: informations

From: <>
Date: Tue 5 Jun 2001 17:39:03 +0200 (CEST)

On Mon, 4 Jun 2001, Osvaldo A. Santos-Filho wrote:

> Dear Srs.,
> In order to be sure before buying AMBER6, we need some aditional
> informations about it.
> Some of the informations we need are into specific directories on
> AMBER6.But, once we still don't have that program should be very useful get
> those informations from you.
> (1)What are the used mathematical libraries of AMBER6?

I don't know them all, but AMBER6 compiles on Linux (SuSE6.4 for eg.)
without problems, the gcc package + devel libs from the linux install are

> (2)Is there any system manual available? Could you send it
to us?

Yes, look on the website, it is a 800kb pdf file, or use the online HTML
version. Both include basic tutorials as well
(If, for some strange reason cannot get it, i have one.)

> (3)Do you have the paralell manual?
There is a lot about this in the setting up... section, also the source
tree has extensive documentation.
> (4)How can we compile the paralellized parts of the program?
see the README which comes with the code, to be short, you have to select
the appropriate Makefile, plus MPI has to be set up on the computer.
For linux look for MPICH, this is a free implementation.

good luck,
Gusztav SCHAY
PhD student
Semmelweis University Budapest
Dept. of Biophysics and Radiation Biology
Puskin u. 9.

phone: +36-1-2662755 #4033
fax: +36-1-2666656
Received on Tue Jun 05 2001 - 08:39:03 PDT
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