GB and Ions

From: Andreas Svrcek-Seiler <>
Date: Mon 9 Apr 2001 12:21:06 +0200 (CEST)

Dear experts,
Is it useless/wrong to add some counterions in a GB/SA simulation
or would it be worth a try ?
... And if it's worth a try, can someone prove an educated guess
what born radius to assign to e.g. a sodium ion ?

best regards
W. A. Svrcek-Seiler

           ( O O )
              o        Wolfgang Andreas Svrcek-Seiler
              o        (godzilla)
      .oooO            Tel.:01-4277-52733
      (   )   Oooo.
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        \_)    ) /
Received on Mon Apr 09 2001 - 03:21:06 PDT
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