about OWFEG

From: nicolas baurin <nicolas.baurin_at_univ-orleans.fr>
Date: Mon 02 Apr 2001 11:36:11 +0200

Hello to the AMBER people,

i'm very interested in the OWFEG method recently described by Mr.
Pearlman in a J.Med.Chem. I am happy to discover that this method is
implemented in Amber 6.0 but didn't find anything in the doc about its
use (except that it is part of the Sander module).

So, does someone know how to use this Owfeg method in Amber 6.0 (links
or hints ... ) ?

Thanks in advance,


Nicolas Baurin
Laboratoire de Chimiométrie - Modélisation Moléculaire
Institut de Chimie Organique et Analytique, UMR 6005
Université d'Orléans, BP 6759
45067 ORLEANS Cedex 2, France
Tel: (33+) 2 38 49 45 77
Received on Mon Apr 02 2001 - 02:36:11 PDT
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