Re: sysdir

From: Nelson Teixeira Brito <>
Date: Thu 24 Aug 2000 10:05:02 +0100

David Case wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 23, 2000, Nelson Teixeira Brito wrote:
> > Does someone can tell me where sysdir is defined?
> in the MACHINE file, i.e. in ../amber6/src/Machines.
> ...good luck...dac

Thank you very much David,
I looked everywhere, i was so desperated that i
couldn't find it!!

There is another error in the MACHINE
(Machine.alpha_linux) with some
broken lines at the level setings (L0, L1...) -
just in case...

My best regards,
Received on Thu Aug 24 2000 - 02:05:02 PDT
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