Empty gap in the watbox at the beginning of MD

From: Francois Vanelle <vanelle_at_sgi2.jouy.inra.fr>
Date: Sat 01 Apr 2000 20:28:15 +3500

Dear Amber's Users.

I mail you because I have a probleme with the Molecular Dynamic. I
observe an
empty gap in the water box from the very beginning of the run. It fills
water molecules during the simulation.

Is it normal, what and why is it ? Is it a bug ?

In particular :

When I use the Tutorial 4.3 : "Exemple 3. A more complicated protein
in the part (at the end), and I exectute the molecular dynamic
"md1.in" :

        Molecular Dynamics Run - md1.in
            IMIN = 0, IREST = 0, NTX = 1, TEMPI = 0.,
            SCEE = 1.2, IDIEL = 1, CUT =9.0,
            NTT = 1, TEMP0 = 300.0, TAUTP=0.2,
            NTP = 2, TAUP = 0.2,
            NTB = 2, NTC = 4, NTF = 2, NSNB = 25,
            NSTLIM = 500,
            NTWE = 100, NTWX = 100, NTPR = 25,

with :

sander -O -i md1.in -o md1.out -c min2.xyz -p prmtop.wat -r md1.xyz
-x md1.crd -e md1.en

It produce md1.out, md1.xyz, md1.crd, md1.en.

Part of md1.out :


     TIMLIM= 999999. IREST = 0 IBELLY= 0
     KFORM = 1 ICHDNA= 0 IMIN = 0
     IPOL = 0 IEWALD= 0

     NTX = 1 NTXO = 1
     IG = 71277 TEMPI = 0.00 HEAT = 0.000

     NTB = 2 IFTRES= 1 BOXX = 58.586
     BOXY = 68.064 BOXZ = 59.311

     NRUN = 1 NTT = 1 TEMP0 = 300.000
     DTEMP = 0.000 TAUTP = 0.200 TAUTS = 0.200
     ISOLVP= 0 VLIMIT= 0.000

     NTP = 2 PRES0 = 1.000 COMP = 44.600
     TAUP = 0.200 NPSCAL= 0

     NTCM = 0 NSCM = 9999999

     NSTLIM= 500 INIT = 3 NTU = 1
     T = 0.000 DT = 0.00100

     NTC = 4 TOL = 0.00050 JFASTW = 0

     NTF = 2 NTID = 0 NTNB = 1
     NSNB = 25 IDIEL = 1 IMGSLT= 0
     IPRR = 0 IPRW = 0 ITRSLU= 1

     CUT = 9.000 SCNB = 2.000
     SCEE = 1.200 DIELC = 1.000
     CUT2ND= 0.00000

     NTPR = 25 NTWR = 50 NTWX = 100
     NTWV = 0 NTWE = 100 NTWXM = 999999
     NTWVM = 999999 NTWEM = 999999 IOUTFM= 0
     NTWPRT= 0 NTWPR0= 0

     NTR = 0 NTRX = 1
     TAUR = 0.00000 NMROPT= 0 ISFTRP= 0
     RWELL = 1.00000 PENCUT= 0.10000

     IVCAP = 0 MATCAP= 0 FCAP = 1.500


     IFCAP = 0 NATCAP= 0 CUTCAP= 0.000
     XCAP = 0.000 YCAP = 0.000 ZCAP = 0.000

     NATOM = 18452 NRES = 5774

 begin time read from input coords = 0.000 ps

 Number of triangulated 3-point waters found: 5667
 Using 5667 waters for fast wat-wat

 Solute/solvent pointers:
     IPTSOL= 107 NATRCM= 1451
     IPTRES= 0 IPTATM= 0
     NSPSOL= 10 NSPSTR= 1451
     NSOLUT=18452 NATOM =18452

Then, I use the anal fonction for create a pdb file with :

- anal .in :
        Exemple et essai pour la fonction ANAL :
                1 0 0 0 0 1
                0 0 0 0 0
                1 0 1 0 0 0
                12 2 2 4
                0 0 0 0 0 0 0
0 0
- md1.xyz

- prmtop.wat

It result a pdb file.
If I look this pdb file with Rasmol (or other), I see this :

        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwwPPPPPPPPPwwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwPPPPPPPPPPPwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwPPPPPPPPPPPwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwPPPPPPPPPPPwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwPPPPPPPPPPPwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwwPPPPPPPPPwwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww
                                     |==> empty gap
        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww
        wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww ww

                w = WAT
                P = Protein

And if I look pdb files :

        after minimization =
ATOM 1 N ILE 1 19.697 31.112 38.202
ATOM 2 H1 ILE 1 18.710 30.929 38.089
ATOM 3 H2 ILE 1 20.123 31.139 37.286
ATOM 4 H3 ILE 1 20.182 30.374 38.692
ATOM 5 CA ILE 1 19.915 32.406 38.875
ATOM 6 HA ILE 1 19.109 32.568 39.591
ATOM 7 CB ILE 1 21.248 32.398 39.634
ATOM 8 HB ILE 1 21.203 31.593 40.368
ATOM 9 CG2 ILE 1 22.423 32.121 38.690

        after dynamic =
ATOM 1 N ILE 1 19.904 27.084 35.005
ATOM 2 H1 ILE 1 18.904 26.996 34.889
ATOM 3 H2 ILE 1 20.312 26.823 34.118
ATOM 4 H3 ILE 1 20.280 26.448 35.694
ATOM 5 CA ILE 1 20.237 28.455 35.422
ATOM 6 HA ILE 1 19.564 28.653 36.256
ATOM 7 CB ILE 1 21.656 28.456 35.985
ATOM 8 HB ILE 1 21.747 27.506 36.512
ATOM 9 CG2 ILE 1 22.833 28.412 35.014

If I look coordonnes, we say that Y and Z are moved
with the same distance for all atom of Protein and WAT.

I look this fact at the first "step" of the dynamic molecular,
at 0.001 ps !

If I change the parameter : NTB = 2 by NTB = 1, I look the
same probleme ! MDIN :
           IMIN = 0, IREST = 0, NTX = 1, TEMPI = 0.,
           SCEE = 1.2, IDIEL = 1, CUT =9.0,
           NTT = 1, TEMP0 = 300.0, TAUTP=0.2,
           NTP = 0, TAUP = 0.2,
           NTB = 1, NTC = 4, NTF = 2, NSNB = 25,
           NSTLIM = 500,
           NTWE = 100, NTWX = 50, NTPR = 25,

I would like know why I look this empty gap ?

If I run a molecular dynamic with TEMPI = 0 during a number of
ps, then I arise the temperature to TEMP0 = 300 ant I stay at 300
during a long time, I see the empty gap at the start,
but not at the end !

Witch phenomene produce this effect ???
I would like understand this phenomene.

If I take only WATBOX216, I don't see this phenomene.

In fact, I work on a protease, and I see this phenome only on the Y axis
the equilibration. When the temperature stay at 300K during a long
at the end, I don't observe this empty gap.

Francois Vanelle                        Tel: +33 (1) 34 65 25 68
Mathematique Informatique et Genomes    Fax: +33 (1) 34 65 22 41
Batiment des Biotechnologies            Email: vanelle_at_sgi2.jouy.inra.fr
INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, 78352, France
Received on Fri Mar 31 2000 - 01:28:15 PST
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