Paramters for sulfate and methanol

From: Oliver Zerbe <>
Date: Fri 07 Apr 2000 14:21:03 +0200

Dear AMBER users,

I hope that this question has not appeared in the mail reflector a
hundred times..

Could anyone please supply me with paramters compatible with the parm.94
set for sulfate ((SO4)2-)?

Furthermore, has anyone prepared a methanol solvent box?

Thanks a lot for your help,


Dr. Oliver Zerbe
Department of Applied Biosciences
Winterthurerstr. 190
CH-8057 Zuerich
Tel.: 0041-1-635 60 81/  635 6080
Fax:  0041-1-635 68 84
Received on Fri Apr 07 2000 - 05:21:03 PDT
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