Re: wcleap

From: Nelson Teixeira Brito <>
Date: Mon 3 Apr 2000 18:14:25 +0100 (WET DST)

> > i'm compiling leap but there's some file missing, it's WcLeap
> > which is never made during the compilation and it's included at
> > the end of it. Can someone help me please?
> >
> It is compiled into a library in the amber6/src/leap/src/Wc subdirectory.
> Make sure to give a "make World" command in the top-level Leap directory,
> which should automatically force that compilation.
> If this doesn't help, we would need more details on what you did.
> ...good luck...dac

Hello David,
thank you very much for your reply.
i was playing with xmkmf... stupidity of me!
i realised that the makefile under amber6/src/leap/src/Wc
wasn't making anything and i solved the problem.
Sorry for taking your time :(

Best regards,

 Nelson Brito |
 Departamento de Quimica | Tel: 351-226082851
 Faculdade de Ciencias | 351-226082827
 R. do Campo Alegre, n 687 | Fax: 351-226082959
 4169-007 Porto |

 "Je n'ecoute que les conseils du vent qui passe ..."
Received on Mon Apr 03 2000 - 10:14:25 PDT
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