amber problem

From: Alexandre Gillet <>
Date: Wed 19 Jan 2000 17:28:31 -0800

I have a problem when I am using Xleap to create my topolgy file and
.crd file.
When I do a simple minimization ,with sander, of the file obtain with
Xleap , the Hbond energy is always 0.000 .
I do not encounter this problem when I built my amber file using PREP
I would like to know if someone already face this problem and what is
the solution to resolve it ?
I am running the program on SGI irix 4.2.
I use AMBER 5.

thank a lot in advance for your answers.

Alexandre Gillet
graduate student
Mathematique Informatique et Genome,
Batiment des Biotechnologies,           Email:
INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, 78352, France
Received on Wed Jan 19 2000 - 17:28:31 PST
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