[AMBER] QM/MM using Amber and Gaussian: Discrepancies between the forces from the gaussian output file and the forces reported in the mdfrc file

From: Ge Song via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 11 Nov 2024 01:57:59 +0000

Dear Amber community,

I am running single point QM/MM in Sander with forces being output. The calculation finished normally, and the energy from the gaussian log file and that from the mdout file are consistent according to http://archive.ambermd.org/201812/0031.html. However, when I also checked the forces, I found they are roughly consistent but significant discrepancies exist:

The forces on the first atom in the gaussian log file (old.gau_job.log) is:
      -0.012109279 -0.000859028 -0.003084640
those are in Hartree/Bohr, converting into kcal/mol would be:
      -14.359     -1.019      -3.658

While in my mdfrc file, they are:
      -14.517     -0.793      -3.978

So, they look similar, but I don't think these errors are neglectable.

I have tried both Amber19 and Amber22, and they gave the same results. Here is my input setting of sander:

  qm_ewald=0, qm_pme=0,
num_threads = 16,

And the command line I was using:
mpirun -np 4 sander.MPI -O -i qmmm_rerun.in -o qmmm_rerun.out -p ala_amber.top -c amber_heat.ncrst -y amber_md_frame1.nc -frc mdfrc

Ge Song
Personal Academic Website of Ge - Physics of Life<https://calvinge.github.io/gesong.github.io/>

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Received on Sun Nov 10 2024 - 18:00:02 PST
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