Dear AMBER developers and Users,
I was installing Amber22 and AmberTools23. Everything has gone smoothly but
when I executed *make test.serial,* some of the tests failed.
The very first line says
*Error: Could not import Amber Python modules! Probably your Amber
Python environment was not set up correctly.*
I have added all this line in my .bashrc script
*export AMBERHOME=/home/sayan/software/amber/amber22*
*source /home/sayan/software/amber/amber22/*
*test -f /home/sayan/software/amber/amber22/ && source
Also, echo $AMBERHOME and $PYTHONPATH showed the following lines.
*echo $AMBERHOME/home/sayan/software/amber/amber22echo $PYTHONPATH
So, what else am I missing?
Thank you
*with regards*
*Sayan Poddar*
*PhD Research Scholar*
*Department of Biosciences and Biomedical Engineering*
*Indian Institute of Technology Indore*
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Received on Tue Mar 26 2024 - 11:00:03 PDT