Dear Amber users,
I was trying to use Amber22 rism3d.snglpnt to follow the tutorial on
calculating ion distributions around DNA molecule but
unfortunately I'm unable to reproduce it.
I'm able to obtain the set of files from 1D-RISM calculations, and the
rism3d.snglpnt command also produces some output files, but they are
incorrect, as I'm unable to visualize them in VMD. I tried with the
g.O.1.mrc file which I downloaded from the tutorial website and it worked
(I was able to visualize the density map in VMD).
I tried to use Amber20 (installed via conda), and I got the working files
(but with different extensions, as expected).
Can you please tell me what to do to get Amber22 output working files? Then
I want to use the files to reproduce another tutorial to obtain positions
of water molecules around the molecule -->
Looking forward to hearing from you!
Best regards,
Karolina MitusiĆska
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Mar 19 2024 - 10:30:02 PDT