On Mon, Feb 12, 2024, Waqqas Zia via AMBER wrote:
>We have encountered memory errors related to /dev/shm in Amber 22, which
>were not previously experienced with earlier versions. Our HPC centers have
>limited memory available in `/dev/shm`, leading to operational issues.
>Is there an alternative configuration or environment variable that can be
>set to utilize a different directory, such as $TMPDIR?
I don't recall seeing this type of problem before, but more details would
certainly be required if anyone is to help.
You don't provide information even about what program you are running, what
the exact error message is, whether it happens in the test cases or just in
one or more of your simulations, etc. Is this a CPU or GPU calculation? Is
it serial or parallel? Does any of that matter?
It will probably help to provide info about your OS and compilers as well.
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Received on Tue Feb 13 2024 - 10:30:03 PST