[AMBER] cpptraj: loading several netcdf files using -y

From: Enrico Martinez via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 9 Oct 2023 15:25:29 +0200

Dear Amber users!

I have a production run md trajectory of 500 ns splitted into 5
independent netcdf files of 100 ns calculated on cluster:

I need to merge these 5 filles into one netcdf file 07_Prod_whole.nc .

may I use cpptraj in my bash script to load all 5 parts at once in the
following manner producing a merged netcdf file with removed PBC (the
script cpptraj0.in consists of Autoimage command.

# * should load ALL parts at once with y
cpptraj-p complex.prmtop -y 07_Prod_*.nc -x
${sim}/prod_${project}${simulation}_nopbc.nc -i cpptraj0.in

Many thanks in advance


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Received on Mon Oct 09 2023 - 06:30:02 PDT
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