[AMBER] Failed test cases in $AMBERHOME/test/nfe/bbmd in Amber22/Amber23

From: Vlad via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Thu, 21 Sep 2023 12:17:38 +1000

Dear Amber Developers,

Starting from Amber22 and then in Amber23 both Run.pmemd.sh  and
Run.sander.sh in $AMBERHOME/test/nfe/bbmd  report possible failures.

While some of them could be considered as the round-off errors, it's not
so clear with the others. The possible failures are persistent on
different platforms using different compilers.

Could you clarify this issue?



AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Sep 20 2023 - 19:30:02 PDT
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