From: Kankana Bhattacharjee via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 2023 12:03:17 +0530

Dear AMBER users,

I have performed MM-PBSA calculation of protein-ligand complex using amber
22 version. I am trying to reproduce one paper, so for that purpose I chose
"inp=1" and accordingly radiopt was "0" by the tool itself. I would like to
mention that, I dint mention "set default PBRadii option" during generating
the prmtop files. because, while I was practicing the RAS-RAF tutorial, at
that time during mmpbsa run it was showing some error by saying
inconsistent prmtop files. That's why, I removed the PBRadii option and did
the MMPBSA, then it worked correctly. I would like to know that,* if we
dont select the PBRadii option during generating the prmtop files, then
from where PBRadii will be taken for calculating MM-PBSA calculation ? Will
it be from the generated prmtop files ? *

*Thanks & Regards*
*Kankana Bhattacharjee*

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