[AMBER] Native contacts analysis in CPPTRAJ

From: Prithviraj Nandigrami via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Wed, 7 Jun 2023 14:56:41 -0400

Dear AMBER Users and Experts,

I am trying to use the native contacts analysis script implemented in
CPPTRAJ for a couple of MD trajectories as follows:

parm input.strip.parm7
trajin combined.strip.nc <http://combined.nc/>

nativecontacts name NC1 :1-85&!.H= \
   writecontacts native-contacts.dat \
   resout resout.dat \
   distance 5.0 \
   byresidue out all-residues.dat mindist maxdist \
   map mapout gnu \
   contactpdb contactspdb.pdb \
   series seriesout native-contacts-series.dat
lifetime NC1[NC] out lifetime.dat

 Here is an example for native.gnu file:

   1.000 1.000 0.0000
   1.000 2.000 16.6333
   1.000 3.000 0.0000
   1.000 4.000 0.0000
   1.000 5.000 0.0000
   1.000 6.000 0.0000
   1.000 7.000 0.0000
   1.000 8.000 0.0000
   1.000 9.000 0.0000
   1.000 10.000 0.0000

I have two sets of MD runs - wild-type protein and mutant protein. I used
the script above to calculate native.gnu files for these two systems.

I was looking to plot a "difference" plot for these two systems with the
hope that regions with the most significant differences would show up.

What is the correct way to go about this? If I take the difference of the
third column (normalized) for the wild-type and mutant cases, and try to
plot a contact map, is that it?

I would appreciate any help or guidance.

Thank you.

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Received on Wed Jun 07 2023 - 12:00:02 PDT
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