[AMBER] Missing atom types in parmchk.dat

From: Robert Heße via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Mon, 22 May 2023 16:37:50 +0200


i want to parametrized modified guanine derivatives to be inserted into
larger DNA strains. For an accurate description of these i wanted to use
OL15 as much as possible and decided to see if any parameters are
missing. As such i decided to generate myself a mol2 with charges via
"source leaprc.DNA.OL15
savemol3 DG DG_ol15.mol2 1
This worked without an error and the mol2 looked fine as well even
though just in case i attached it.
When i tried to use parmck2 to generate myself a frcmod file, i got the
following error:
"parmchk2 -f mol2 -i DG_ol15.mol2 -o DG_ol15.frcmod -frc ol15"
"Warning: Ignoring Mol2 record type (.<TRIPOS>HEADTAIL).
Warning: Ignoring Mol2 record type (.<TRIPOS>RESIDUECONNECT).
Atom type of CJ does not exist in PARMCHK.DAT"
As far as i can see, all atom types of OL15 are missing in the
PARMCK.DAT file. How do i best proceed? I was thinking of defining both
the C7 and CJ atom type in a copy of PARMCHK.DAT but im unsure how i
could define both. Or perhaps i could check which standard Amber and
gaff2 atom types are most fitting for the missing atom types?

With best Regards,
Robert Hesse

AMBER mailing list

Received on Mon May 22 2023 - 07:51:50 PDT
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