[AMBER] Question about implementing steered MD in Amber

From: SONAL GAHLAWAT via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Fri, 7 Apr 2023 20:43:02 -0400


I am a graduate student, pretty new to steered MD, and am interested in
using steered MD to study the effects of Gly-X mutations on the mechanical
properties of the triple helix. To perform steered MD, I want to keep the
COM of the three N-terminal Ca fixed (using a spring constant) and pull the
COM of the three C-terminal Ca atoms by linking them to a spring constant.
My current SMD script was created by referring to the Adaptive Steered MD
tutorial on the Amber website and is copied below. For reference, chain A
has residues 1-56, chain B 57-112, and chain C 113-168. I would appreciate
it if someone could guide me in implementing the previous calculation

SMDrun script:
   cut=8.0, jar=1,
 &wt type='DUMPFREQ', istep1=1000 /
 &wt type='END' /
DISANG= dist.example.RST


Dist.example.RST file contains the following:
# Change distance between atoms 485 and 134 from 15 A to 20.0 A
&rst iat=168,2, r2=139.9, rk2 = 4000., r2a=149.9, /

I appreciate your help.

Sonal Gahlawat
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Apr 07 2023 - 18:00:02 PDT
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