Hi everyone,
It is with great sadness that I have to report the failure of last year's
great effort to launch our Folding at Work-From-Home platform in
partnership with Foldimate. [1] While early results were promising, the
unpredictability that is a hallmark of any venture in artificial
intelligence ultimately doomed the project.
In some ways, Folding at Work-From-Home was a victim of its own success.
The revolutionary idea of leveraging transfer and reinforcement learning to
boost folding performance by coupling laundry with protein folding in the
same platform was so successful that Foldimate inadvertently folded itself.
While we're disappointed that the community is being deprived of this
unique innovation, we have learned from our successes and failures. On the
heels of this disappointment, however, comes the excitement of a pending
announcement of our next project. We are excited to share an announcement
of this next project alongside an exclusive preview that will be made
available to everyone here. Stay tuned!
Thanks from the Folding at Work-From-Home team,
Thomas Watson and Jason Swails
Jason M. Swails
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Mar 31 2023 - 06:00:02 PDT