Re: [AMBER] amber install error

From: Tang, Jun via AMBER <>
Date: Tue, 28 Feb 2023 21:40:07 +0000


Thanks for looking into this issue,

The build is in Ubuntu 18.04 with gcc 9.4.0 and nvcc 10.2.0. I use conda to install several packages (numpy scipy matplotlib setuptools cmake make cython swig fftw doxygen). Below are the run_cmake options I used

  cmake $AMBER_PREFIX/amber20_src \
    2>&1 | tee cmake.log

I have already tried building from scratch a few times (with different compilers) and always hit the same error. Should I try again without using conda environment?



-----Original Message-----
From: David A Case <>
Sent: Tuesday, February 28, 2023 3:27 PM
To: Tang, Jun <>; AMBER Mailing List <>
Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL][AMBER] amber install error

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On Tue, Feb 28, 2023, Tang, Jun via AMBER wrote:

>I got an error while compiling ambermd. Please let me know how to get
>around this error with "lvalue required as increment operand"

Can you say what OS you are using? What options did you give to run_cmake?

You seem to have most things in /home/ubuntu/src/ambermd/amber20_src, but there are also lots of references to /home/ubuntu/miniconda3, which suggests that you may have set that as your PYTHON_EXECUTABLE (?).

>use_prebuilt_cythonized_files = False

Not sure, but I'm a bit surprised at this message. We have seen this problem at least once before, but with no resolution (that I see). My general impression (from similar errors in other python projects) is that the cython extensions might have been made for a different version of python.

It seems worth trying a fresh install with all defaults, if you've not already done that.

..good luck...dac

AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Feb 28 2023 - 14:30:02 PST
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