[AMBER] Can not install Amber with CUDA supported

From: Broto Santoso via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Sat, 21 Jan 2023 20:54:26 +0700

Dear Amber admin,

I got a problem when installing amber with CUDA support, it said that CUDA
version was not supported. The machine is in the school's lab, so I can not
attach the screenshots or log file in this email yet.

Specs of Machine:

   - Centos 7
   - NVidia RTX 3080
   - NVidia driver version 525.60 (but nvidia-smi shows its Cuda version:
   - NVCC version 11.8
   - Amber22/AmberTools22

Best regards,

*Broto Santoso*
Laboratorium Kimia Farmasi
Fakultas Farmasi UMS
mobile: +6282136414379 (*no call, sms only*)
My Youtube Channel
*Please, do not share GDrive or attachment*
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Received on Sat Jan 21 2023 - 06:00:02 PST
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