Re: [AMBER] Error due to unfilled valence in antechamber

Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2023 10:28:17 +0000

Thank you for your response Sir. Rectifying the warnings stated above, the required files were successfully generated.

From: David A Case <>
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2023 12:22 AM
To: MADHUSMITA DEVI <>; AMBER Mailing List <>
Subject: Re: [AMBER] Error due to unfilled valence in antechamber

On Thu, Jan 12, 2023, MADHUSMITA DEVI via AMBER wrote:
>I optimised a ligand using gaussian and after normal termination tried to
>parametrize the same using antechamber, on which I received the following
>warning at the initial step.
>Warning: ATOM N3 has unfilled valence, assuming the linked atom name (in other residue) is "M"
> change "M" to "-M" if ATOM N3 is linked to the immediate previous residue
> change "M" to "+M" if ATOM N3 is linked to the immediate after residue
>However, proceeding further the error appeared which says,

Note that this is warning, not an error. Follow the advice above, if you
can. Beyond that, we would need to know the flags you gave to antechamber,
and the input files that you gave it.


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Received on Tue Jan 17 2023 - 02:30:02 PST
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