Re: [AMBER] one question about setting up amber simulation on negatively charged ligand

From: David A Case via AMBER <>
Date: Fri, 2 Dec 2022 16:45:47 -0500

On Fri, Dec 02, 2022, laura zhang via AMBER wrote:
>I tried to set up a simulation including a protein and two small
>ligands. One ligand is negatively charged (charge density -1). when I added
>H to this ligand and also tried to neutralize it in Chimera, Chimera showed
>error. So, I only added H to this ligand using Chimera, and kept its
>charge as -1. Then, when I ran antechamber to prepare the mol2 and frcmod
>files for this ligand, antechamber crashed because of its charge.

You don't say what you mean by "antechamber crashed". If the ligand has a -1
charge, you need to add the "-nc -1" flag to your antechamber run.

If that is not the problem, we would need more info about what you tried, and
exactly what the error message was.


AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Dec 02 2022 - 14:00:02 PST
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