On Thu, Oct 13, 2022, FyD via AMBER wrote:
>The total charge value of the molecular fragments in the Amber force
>field libraries takes 'most of the time' an integer value. This is the
>case for the terminal and central fragments of the amino-acids. This
>is also true for the central fragments of the nucleotides. However,
>this is not correct for the terminal fragments of the nucleotides,
>where the sum of the total charges of the 2 terminal fragments has
>that integer value.
>I wonder if there is an importance of having such an integer value for
>a molecular fragment in the electrostatic interaction computation of a
>protein/polynucleotide for instance, when running MD simulation in
>condensed phase using the Particle mesh Ewald algorithm/a periodic
Periodic calculations in Amber use PME, which will add a neutralizing
background charge if the molecule has a net charge. It doesn't really care
if the charge is integral or not.
The fact that you need both a 5' nucleotide and a 3' nucleotide on the same
strand in order to get an integral charge represents our best (simple) guess
of the actual charge distribution.
...hope this helps...dac
AMBER mailing list
Received on Fri Oct 14 2022 - 09:30:03 PDT