Re: [AMBER] Automatic glycan bonds in tleap?

From: Daniel Roe via AMBER <>
Date: Fri, 26 Aug 2022 10:37:04 -0400


On Fri, Aug 26, 2022 at 10:31 AM Dr. Anselm Horn via AMBER
<> wrote:
> Could you also comment briefly to my original question, i.e. is there
> something like an automatic linkage detection for sugars already
> implemented in leap and if so, what's its logic?

Not that I'm aware of - in fact, this was one of the motivations
behind the development of 'prepareforleap'. LEaP is great for
polymers, not so much for branched stuff.


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Received on Fri Aug 26 2022 - 08:00:06 PDT
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