Re: [AMBER] Error: an illegal memory access was encountered launching kernel kNLSkinTest

From: David A Case via AMBER <>
Date: Tue, 23 Aug 2022 08:12:11 -0400

On Tue, Aug 23, 2022, Christian Seitz via AMBER wrote:
>I have run a short minimization on a system, and am trying to run the
>heating for it. When I do this, I get this error before any cycles are
>Error: an illegal memory access was encountered launching kernel kNLSkinTest

What is the box size in your system? Also, the following:

1. use the checkstructure action in cpptraj to make sure you don't have any
    bad bonds or contacts.

2. Run a short simulation on the CPU, with ntpr=1. Make sure the starting
    energy is very close to the final energy from minimization. Look for
    any problems that might arise.

....good luck...dac

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Received on Tue Aug 23 2022 - 05:30:04 PDT
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