[AMBER] pmemd.cuda crash

From: Enrico Martinez via AMBER <amber.ambermd.org>
Date: Thu, 4 Aug 2022 17:58:42 +0200

Dear Amber users,
I've noticed that I always got a crush with the Fortran error in the
case of the execution of the input file with the following options
used to run job with GPU:

***************************** md.in ******************************
MD without restraints during 20ns at constant T= 330K & P= 1Atm
    imin=0, ntx=5, ntpr=5000, ntwr=5000, ntwx=5000, ntwe=5000,
    ntf=2, ntc=2,
    ntb=2, ntp=1, taup=0.5,
    nstlim=250000000, dt=0.002,
    ntt=3, gamma_ln=2.0, ig=-1,
  netfrc = 0,
  skin_permit = 0.75,

I could fix it via adding an empty line after the last &end. Could it
be related to my particular system or is it a bug of the amber22?
Many thanks in advance

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Received on Thu Aug 04 2022 - 13:38:12 PDT
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