[AMBER] CPPTRAJ, Conflicting H-Bonding Results

From: Matthew Guberman-Pfeffer <matthew.guberman-pfeffer.uconn.edu>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 2022 12:23:00 -0400

Dear Amber Community,

I’m getting different results depending on how I ue the hbond analysis feature in CPPTRAJ, and I’d like to understand the origin for the difference.
First, I ran:

hbond All out All.hbvtime.dat solventdonor :WAT solventacceptor :WAT.O \
avgout All.UU.avg.dat solvout All.UV.avg.dat bridgeout All.bridge.avg.dat

This gave, for example:
SER_1016.O ALA_1018.H ALA_1018.N 12 0.0322 2.8752 145.8849

However, if I run:
hbond donormask :1018 acceptormask :X avgout temp_Res_1018-X_avg.dat

Where “X” is looped over all possible residues, I get two avg.dat files that contain

GLN_1009.HB2 ALA_1018.HA ALA_1018.CA 10 0.0268 2.9364 140.2398
SER_1016.O ALA_1018.H ALA_1018.N 12 0.0322 2.8752 145.8849

Why did the H-bond to GLN_1009.HB2 not appear in the output from the first command? Do the two commands use different criteria?


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Received on Thu Mar 17 2022 - 09:30:03 PDT
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