[AMBER] Constant pH MD Simulations for General Organic Compounds

From: Nathan Black <nathanblack262.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 7 Mar 2022 22:36:53 -0600

Hello AMBER Users,

I have been reading the AMBER 20 manual regarding the use of constant-pH
molecular dynamics. From using the --list command for cpinutil.py, I am
under the impression that its use is intended exclusively for certain amino
acid and nucleic acid residues.

If I wanted to run an MD simulation containing molecules that do *not *have
supported residues (such as organic counterions or drugs with ionizable
groups), would my best bet be to run normal MD with the molecules set to
their most probable protonation state(s) based upon their known pKa values? Are
there external resources that would make constant-pH simulations possible
for such broad applications?

All the best,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Mon Mar 07 2022 - 21:00:02 PST
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