[AMBER] A4500 Benchmarks

From: Ross Walker <ross.rosswalker.co.uk>
Date: Tue, 18 Jan 2022 09:50:49 -0500

Hi All,

I just got my hands on the latest A4500 GPU through Exxact (https://www.exxactcorp.com <https://www.exxactcorp.com/>) - this is positioned between the A4000 and A5000 but should have better availability. As expected it's got performance roughly equivalent to the 3070. A little bit slower for small systems but faster for larger systems. For those interested, here's a table comparing performance across GPU types (and attached in case the mail reflector mangles the formatting).

Amber 20 + AmberTools 21 - Benchmark (ns/day)

Benchmark A4000 A4500 A5000 A6000 3070 3070TI 3080 3090
JAC NVE 4fs 810.00 935.33 1008.05 1101.29 945.91 943.52 1098.78 1163.20
JAC NPT 4fs 803.02 911.08 989.97 1084.37 925.86 926.39 1086.21 1116.05
JAC NVE 2fs 428.34 491.62 530.02 586.09 500.59 499.91 593.60 617.12
JAC NPT 2fs 410.52 469.85 506.62 560.05 477.72 478.73 557.60 579.64
FACTOR IX NVE 2fs 153.72 189.02 213.29 256.10 177.16 186.65 234.58 263.62
FACTOR IX NPT 2fs 148.24 181.35 205.76 241.63 168.04 180.13 217.50 241.53
CELLULOSE NVE 2fs 31.27 41.26 47.71 59.52 37.37 41.02 53.44 61.73
CELLULOSE NPT 2fs 30.22 39.48 45.71 55.50 35.76 39.19 49.69 56.81
STMV NPT 2fs 20.15 26.67 30.87 37.01 23.86 26.16 32.18 37.22
TRP Cage 2fs 1223.87 1188.03 1222.75 1166.26 1367.51 1270.72 1332.27 1323.58
Myoglobin 2fs 462.90 518.80 561.01 650.48 539.21 524.94 595.72 627.93
Nucleosome 2fs 10.92 13.47 15.60 20.37 12.76 12.85 17.72 20.99

All the best

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Received on Tue Jan 18 2022 - 07:00:02 PST
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