[AMBER] About the drug charge _antechamber

From: Arooma Maryam <maryam16arooma.gmail.com>
Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2022 13:21:36 -0500

Do you not mean the drug part has a charge of +1 (formally at the N1
position)? That would lead to a net charge of -1 for the whole ligand.
Apologies for typo. You got it right, the drug part has a charge of +1 and
FAD has -2. So overall charge on the compound is -1 .

The sum of the charges in the mol2 file is -1, just as you requested
with the "-nc -1" flag. I'm not sure why you think it "shows 0 charge".
When I computed the charge for the antechamber output file in PyMOL A, it
showed me that the overall charge on the compound is zero. In the mol2
file, O1P and O1A should be -1,-1 respectively and then N2 (drug part)
making four bonds should be +1. But the antechamber processed file does
not show any charge.
Please correct me if I'm wrong.
For a di-phosphate system like this one, I'd recommend turning off geometry
optimization at the bcc step: add -ek "qm_theory='AM1' maxcyc=0" to your
antechamber run. This will dramatically speed up the sqm calculation, and
should lead to somewhat better charges.
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.I'll fix the atom name
problem in my pdb.
I never did the geometry optimization step before, I wonder where I can get
an idea ABOUT how to turn off geometry optimization.
Do I have to change command or is it related to loading any module? sorry
for asking a naive question
Thank you for help in advance

>I am working on a ligand that is covalently bound to FAD cofactor. . *Both
> PO4s meioties of FAD together have -2 whereas the drug part has -1 (please
>see par.pdb). *Overall charge on this FAD bound drug is -1.

Do you not mean the drug part has a charge of +1 (formally at the N1
position)? That would lead to a net charge of -1 for the whole ligand.

Your "par.pdb" file has duplicate atom names: atoms 17 and 18 are both
named "N1", atoms 21 and 22 are both named "C2", etc. Antechamber will
rename duplicate atoms, but that makes the atom names in the mol2 file
differ from those in the input PDB file, and makes it very hard to do any
debugging. Start with an input PDB file where the atom names are unique.

> To prepare this compound, i used this command
>*antechamber -i par.pdb -fi pdb -o lig.am1bcc.mol2 -fo mol2 -c bcc -s 2
>-nc -1*
>*but the output lig.am1bcc.mol2 shows 0 charge and two PO4 meioties have
>also changed. *

??? The sum of the charges in the mol2 file is -1, just as you requested
with the "-nc -1" flag. I'm not sure why you think it "shows 0 charge".

For a di-phosphate system like this one, I'd recommend turning off geometry
optimization at the bcc step: add -ek "qm_theory='AM1' maxcyc=0" to your
antechamber run. This will dramatically speed up the sqm calculation, and
should lead to somewhat better charges.

Bottom line, though: your ligand may actually be correctly parameterized,
but the atom name problem should be fixed before going forward.
Try a minimization on just the ligand itself to see what it does to the

....good luck....dac
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Received on Wed Jan 12 2022 - 10:30:02 PST
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