Re: [AMBER] Installing AmberTools with C++11 support

From: David A Case <>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 07:49:08 -0400

On Wed, Jul 28, 2021, Muhammad Ayaz Anwar wrote:

>To enable the c++11 support i did:
>> set CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -std=gnu++11 or set CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -std=c++11

If you are using csh as your shell, the above command should be:
     setenv CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -std=gnu++11
You need "setenv" rather than "set" to get the variable into your

If you are using bash (which would be more common in WSL or Linux), use
     export CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS="-std=gnu++11"

I think it's better to just add CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS to the run_cmake script:
that way you have a record of what you did, and if you re-run it later you
don't have to remember to set the environment variables again.

Also, be sure to execute a ./clean_build (or equivalent) so that you will be
sure to recompile fftw.


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Received on Wed Jul 28 2021 - 05:00:02 PDT
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