[AMBER] Installing AmberTools with C++11 support

From: Muhammad Ayaz Anwar <ayazanwar.hotmail.com>
Date: Wed, 28 Jul 2021 09:20:22 +0000


I am trying to install the AmberTools20 with C++11 support for energy calculation using PME on windows subsystem linux. I tried different set up but nothing worked.

To enable the c++11 support i did:

> set CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -std=gnu++11 or set CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS -std=c++11

Then using CMAKE-gui,
CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS = -std=c++11
and used the same cmake .. command. It compiled, but cpptraj energy command eneded with error "pme requires compiling with fftw and c++11 support".

I dont knwo what else to do, anythoughts on how to make this work.

cmake version = 3.10.0
gcc version = 7.5.0

Thank you.

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Received on Wed Jul 28 2021 - 02:30:02 PDT
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