[AMBER] MMGBSA bad atom type error not fixed by source code edits

From: Matthew Guberman-Pfeffer <matthew.guberman-pfeffer.uconn.edu>
Date: Sat, 3 Jul 2021 02:30:30 -0400

Dear Amber Community,

I edited amber20_src/AmberTools/src/sander/mdread2.F90 to contain the following blocks for Fe, as recommended in a previous post. I still get the “Bad Atom Type” message after recompiling. What can I do to fix this issue?

if ( gbsa == 1 ) then

               x(l185-1+i) = 0.00016453d0
            else if (atype(1:1) == 'FE' .or. atype(1:1) == 'Fe' .or. atype(1:1) == 'Fe') then
               ! ref. Ebook: Molecular and Cellular Iron Transport By Douglas M. Templeton
                           ! FE radius = 0.78A: FE2+ octahedral high spin
                           ! FE radius = 0.610A: FE2+ octahedral low spin
                           ! FE radius = 0.630A: FE2+ tetrahedral high spin
                           ! FE radius = 0.640A: FE2+ square planner high spin
               x(l165-1+i) = 0.78d0 + 1.4d0


else if ( gbsa == 2 ) then
               x(L165-1+i) = 1.18d0 + 1.4d0
           else if (atype(1:1) == 'FE' .or. atype(1:1) == 'Fe' .or. atype(1:1) == 'fe') then
               x(l165-1+i) = 0.78d0 + 1.4d0

I’ve attached the edited mdread2.f90 to this message for reference.


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Received on Sat Jul 03 2021 - 00:00:02 PDT
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