[AMBER] RMSD plot in ns

From: Sadaf Rani <sadafrani6.gmail.com>
Date: Sun, 20 Jun 2021 16:58:20 +0500

Dear Amber users
Could you please give me a suggestion on the following problem:-
I have performed rmsd, rmsf, radius of gyration analysis on the trajectory
from 20 ns simulation. A total of 2000 frames are saved in trajectory.
However, I get the number of frames on x-axis instead of time as shown
below. I used the following command for rmsd calculation:-
rms tofirst :1-492.CA= first out rmsd1.agr time 0.01 mass
How should I get time in ns instead of frames?
[image: image.png]

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Received on Sun Jun 20 2021 - 05:00:02 PDT
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