On Thu, Apr 29, 2021, David Case wrote:
> * It warned that the shell was not csh
Sorry for my earlier reply -- I should have just tested things out myself!
It indeed looks like an bug in the script. I wonder if you are the only
AmberTools user out there who uses csh(?).
I'll get an update prepared to fix this.
> 1. For parallel I followed the instructions for Fedora
I'm not quite sure why you followed the Fedora instructions rather than the
CentOS instructions:
This link just states that the openmpi and mpich libraries one gets from
"yum install" don't work with Amber. There are instructions there to build
from source: do this after you have installed the serial code (and hence
have an AMBERHOME environment variable.)
...hope this helps....dac
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Apr 29 2021 - 13:00:03 PDT