Hello Amber community,
Today I helped someone install AmberTools20 on his macOS computer. I wanted
to report a problem with this, and my hacky work-around. At a minimum, this
work-around might help others.
The issue: after installing prerequisites (Xcode command line tools,
gfortran 8.2, cmake) the build fails to compile the file
build/AmberTools/src/leap/src/leap/y.tab.c file (a generated source file)
because the C compiler requires a forward declaration of the two functions
yylex() and yyerror() before they are referenced.
My hacky work-around: after getting that build failure, I edited the
generated y.tab.c file, added these two forward declaration lines near the
top of the file, and re-ran "make":
int yylex();
int yyerror(char *sStr);
Best regards,
Otto Sievert
AMBER mailing list
Received on Sun Apr 18 2021 - 19:00:02 PDT