Dear Amberusers,
Im trying to parametrize Vanadate ion (VO4)3- using from AmberTools.
Im having trouble in the final modeling step, when generating the frcmod file.
In the folder containing the file, running -i -s 2
produces the following error:
* Welcome to use the program *
* Version 6.0 *
* Author: Pengfei Li *
* Merz Research Group *
* Michigan State University *
* AND *
* Hammes-Schiffer Research Group *
* Yale University *
The input file you are using is :
The following is the input variable you have:
The variable ion_ids is : [1]
The variable ion_info is : []
The variable ion_mol2files is : ['V.mol2']
The variable original_pdb is : VO4.pdb
The variable add_bonded_pairs is : []
The variable add_redcrd is : 0
The variable additional_resids is : []
The variable anglefc_avg is : 0
The variable bondfc_avg is : 0
The variable chgfix_resids is : []
The variable cut_off is : 2.8
The variable force_field is : ff19SB
The variable frcmod_files is : []
The variable gaff is : 1
The variable group_name is : VO4
The variable ion_paraset is : CM (Only for nonbonded model)
The variable large_opt is : 1
The variable lgmodel_chg is : -99
The variable lgmodel_spin is : -99
-99 means program will assign a charge automatically.
The variable naa_mol2files is : ['O1.mol2']
The variable scale_factor is : 1.0
ATTENTION: This is the scale factor of frequency. The
force constants will be scaled by multiplying the square
of scale_factor.
The variable smmodel_chg is : -99
The variable smmodel_spin is : -99
-99 means program will assign a charge automatically.
The variable software_version is : gau
The variable sqm_opt is : 0
The variable water_model is : TIP3P
The variable xstru is : 0
* *
*===================Generate the Initial frcmod file=============*
* *
Atoms which has changed the atom types: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
1-V.1-V : V --> M1
2-O1.2-O1 : O1 --> Y1
3-O1.3-O1 : O1 --> Y2
4-O1.4-O1 : O1 --> Y3
5-O1.5-O1 : O1 --> Y4
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/bin/", line 657, in <module>
gene_pre_frcmod_file(ionids, premol2fs, stpdbf, stfpf, smresf, prefcdf,
File "/usr/local/Caskroom/miniconda/base/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pymsmt/mcpb/", line 132, in gene_pre_frcmod_file
print('YES', atyp2 + massparms[atyp1], file=fmf)
KeyError: 'O1'
Seemingly O1 atom type is not found, however I don’t understand why.
I enclosed the files that are necessary to reproduce the error. Any insight on how to solve the issue will be greatly appreciated.
Thank you,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Apr 07 2021 - 08:30:03 PDT