On Tue, Apr 06, 2021, Thomas Gaillard wrote:
>3.8G amber20
>4.8G amber20_src
>My question is: what are the cleaning/rm commands that can be performed
>(on both amber20 and amber20_src folders) after an installation to only
>keep what is strictly necessary to run AMBER?
As long as you keep the original AmberTools20.tar.bz2 and Amber20.tar.bz2
files, you can delete the amber20_src directory (since you can recreate that
if needed.) It is not needed for running Amber. However, it *is* needed
for downloading updates, which are posted periodically.
Inside the amber20 folder, a lot of space is taken up by the "test" and
"AmberTools/test" folders. If you are satisfied with how things are
working, you could delete these folders, which are also not needed to run
(If you have external drive space available, copying things to some such
drive before deleting them will make it simpler to recover if you change
your mind later.)
...hope this helps...dac
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Apr 06 2021 - 18:30:02 PDT