Re: [AMBER] Problem with AMBER20 compilation using Intel/20.4 compiler

From: Shawn Brown <>
Date: Wed, 24 Mar 2021 09:43:36 -0400


We have been able to compile AMBER20 on Bridges-2 with the Intel compilers
by ensuring that optimization is turned off for the compilation of ips.F90.
We will do some further experiments to see potentially which optimization
is causing the problem. So if you users need help to compile the code,
please let us know at, and we will assist in any way we can.

As to the comment about Bridges-2 not being "ready for prime time" due to
the lack of copious gcc compilers, Bridges-2 is in full production and
ready for full use. We have decided to try to simplify the user environment
by providing a limited number of compilers and will add compilers if
necessary upon request. The lack of gcc compiler versions should not be
viewed as an indication that the machine is not ready for production. If
you wish for another version of gcc to be installed, please email, and we would be happy to attend to it.

Let us know if there is anything else we can help with.

AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Mar 24 2021 - 07:00:04 PDT
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