[AMBER] abmd ignores cv_min cv_max and resolution for colvar="TORSION"

From: Luis Simon <lsimon.usal.es>
Date: Mon, 25 Jan 2021 22:03:43 +0100

Hi Amber users…

I tried to run an abmd calculation with two dihedral angles as colvars. I tried to set some limits to these angles, but amber ignores it, as well as the resolution. This is in the output file:

 NFE : CV #1 periodic, 125 points, min/max = -3.141593/3.141593
 NFE : CV #2 periodic, 125 points, min/max = -3.141593/3.141593

The colvar file is at follows:

    cv_type = 'TORSION'
    cv_ni = 4, cv_i = 636,634,640,641
    resolution = 0.2
    cv_min = -1.0
    cv_max = 2.1

    cv_type = 'TORSION'
    cv_ni = 4, cv_i = 634,640,641,644
    resolution = 0.2
    cv_min = -4.2
    cv_max = -0.5


And the &abmd section of the input file is something like:

   selection_freq = 5000
   selection_constant = 0.00001
   selection_epsilon = 0.0
   wt_temperature = 10000
   wt_umbrella_file = 'wt_umbrella.001.nc’

(I run 4 replicas, changing abmd_umbrella.001.nc and wt_umbrella.001.nc to 002, 003, and 004 files). I also wonder which of the nc files should be used with nee-umbrella-slice program. The tutorials uses wt_umbrella.001.nc, but I wonder if the results from different walkers do not need to be combined.

Thanks for your help!

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Received on Mon Jan 25 2021 - 13:30:02 PST
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