Just following up with an update
https://ambermd.org/bugfixes/AmberTools/20.0/update.14>to the ff15ipq-m
force field mentioned below.
All the best,
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Lillian Chong <ltchong.pitt.edu>
Date: Mon, Dec 21, 2020 at 3:18 PM
Subject: ff15ipq-m force field for protein mimetics
To: <amber.ambermd.org>
Dear All,
I am pleased to announce that the Amber ff15ipq-m force field for protein
mimetics <
https://aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/5.0019054> is now available
in AmberTools20 as update.10:
The force field include parameters for four classes of commonly-used
artificial backbone units: chirality-reversed D-α-residues, the
Cα-methylated α-residue Aib, homologated β-residues (β3) bearing
proteinogenic side chains, and two cyclic β residues (βcyc; APC and ACPC).
Enjoy and happy holidays!
All the best,
Lillian T. Chong
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
219 Parkman Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
Lillian T. Chong
Associate Professor
Department of Chemistry
University of Pittsburgh
219 Parkman Avenue
Pittsburgh, PA 15260
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Jan 12 2021 - 06:00:03 PST