Re: [AMBER] Amber 20 installation, problems with the testing phase

From: David A Case <>
Date: Thu, 7 Jan 2021 15:44:27 -0500

On Thu, Jan 07, 2021, Beatriz Gomes Guimaraes wrote:
>Updating my testing problem ...
>I tried to run make test.serial as root (after setting the AMBERHOME
>environment variable in the /root/.bashrc file) and it worked.
>I did the installation as superuser (but not root) and using "sudo make
>test.serial" (AMBERHOME environment variable in /etc/bash.bashrc) I was
>encountering the problems described in my previous messages.

Here's what is going on: if you run "sudo" it creates a new shell, and
doesn't pick up all the environment variables you have. Hence, it looks
like your AMBERHOME variable is fine, but as soon as you do anything with
sudo, you've lost the AMBERHOME variable, which is exactly what was
happening in your earlier post.

We really encourage users *not* to install with either sudo or root. You
are just taking too big a chance that (a) there is a bug in our installation
scripts; or (b) you type something wrong by accident.

If you really, really need to install the code in a protected place like
/usr/local, you may need to use superuser privileges. But think hard about
just installing in your home directory, or somewhere else where you have
write privileges, and avoid root or sudo.

Glad you found the solution! You didn't mention "sudo" in the earlier post,
and I didn't think to ask.


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Received on Thu Jan 07 2021 - 13:00:02 PST
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