[AMBER] Fwd: MMPBSA calculations with 1 explicit water molecule

From: divyabharathi korlepara <divyabharathik938.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2020 23:31:31 +0530

Dear Amber users,
         I am trying to calculate binding affinity using MMPBSA calculation
for protein-ligand system. I want to include one explicit water molecules
in the calculations.

For that, I created topology file for ligand, protein+1 water molecule
using following lines.

   1. From fully solvated topology file I removed the counter ions as

$ cpptraj

*parm ../../file_preparation/complex_solvated.prmtoptrajin sim1.dcdstrip
:Na+ outprefix striptrajout strip.dcdrunexit*

        2. After removing the counter ions, I topology file for
protein+ligand+(one closest water molecule near ligand)

$ cpptraj

*parm ./strip.complex_solvated.prmtoptrajin strip.dcdclosest 1 :LIG
outprefix complex_1_wattrajout complex_1_water.mdcrdtrajout

         3. Using below lines I am creating topology file for protein+one
water molecule

$ cpptraj

*parm ./complex_1_wat.strip.complex_solvated.prmtoptrajin
complex_1_water.mdcrdstrip :LIG outprefix protein_1_waterrunexit*

          4. I created the topology file for ligand molecule.

$ cpptraj

*parm ./complex_1_wat.strip.complex_solvated.prmtoptrajin
complex_1_water.mdcrdstrip !:LIG outprefix ligandrunexit*

Finally, I am trying to run MMPBSA.py (from amber18) as follows:

*MMPBSA.py -O -i mmpbsa.in <http://mmpbsa.in> -o FINAL_RESULTS.dat -cp
complex_1_wat.strip.complex_solvated.prmtop -rp
protein_1_water.complex_1_wat.strip.complex_solvated.prmtop -lp
ligand.complex_1_wat.strip.complex_solvated.prmtop -y complex_1_water.pdb*

*I got the following error:*

Loading and checking parameter files for compatibility...
mmpbsa_py_energy found! Using /usr/local/apps/amber18/bin/mmpbsa_py_energy
cpptraj found! Using /usr/local/apps/amber18/bin/cpptraj
Preparing trajectories for simulation...
Error: Could not initialize action [rmsd]
1 errors encountered reading input.
Error: Error(s) occurred during execution.
  File "/usr/local/apps/amber18/bin/MMPBSA.py", line 99, in <module>
line 156, in file_setup
    self.mpi_size, str(external_progs['cpptraj']), self.pre)
line 134, in make_trajectories
    traj.Run(pre + 'normal_traj_cpptraj.out')
line 687, in Run
    raise TrajError('Error running %s' % self.program)
AttributeError: 'Trajectory' object has no attribute 'program'
Exiting. All files have been retained.

Can someone please help me to identify the error.


Dr. Divya Bharathi,
Post Doctoral Fellow,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Oct 22 2020 - 11:30:02 PDT
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