I am sending this again, as the first email did not seem to go out..?
Thanks for your response!
I am attempting to install AmberTools20 and I have a couple of questions. When I try to install AmberTools20 using the "./run_cmake" I get the message "Cmake 3.8.1 or higher is required. You are running version 3.5.2". However, I have downloaded the "cmake-3.19.0-rc1-linux-x86_64.sh" and ran that for installation of CMake. I looked in the "run_make" script, but can't find where it list the directory for selecting my new CMake.
The other question is while I am building/installing AmberTools20, I have Amber18.tar.bz2 unpacked so that "only" AmberTools is built/installed. After that, I then untar Amber18.tar.bz2 and compile it? Do I just do the "./update_amber --update" and then "./configure gnu" to build/install Amber18 now?
Thanks much for your help,
AMBER mailing list
Received on Wed Oct 21 2020 - 11:00:03 PDT