[AMBER] pmemd

From: aishen <aishen.free.fr>
Date: Thu, 1 Oct 2020 22:50:45 +0200

Here are my command, I think they aren't right ?

In fact it doesn't do any error but don't produce the expected files ...

sander -O  -i mini.in -o mini.out -p dna.prmtop -c dna.rst7 -r mini.rst
-ref dna.rst7
sander -O -i heat.in -o heat.out -p dna.prmtop -c mini.rst -r heat.rst
-x heat.mdcrd -ref mini.rst
sander -O -i eq.in -o eq.out -p dna.prmtop -c heat.rst -r eq.rst -x
eq.mdcrd -ref heat.rst
sander -O -i md.in -o md.out -p dna.prmtop -c eq.rst -r md.rst7 -x md.nc
-inf mdinfo

and all the files i have in the directory :

A-dna.pdb  dna.prmtop  dna.rst7  eq.in    eq.out    heat.in heat.out 
leap.log  md.in  md.out  mini.in  mini.out

But it should generate md.rst7 and a md.nc (obviously not created )

Best regards


On 01/10/2020 19:29, Elvis Martis wrote:
> You could use sander instead of pmemd.
> But sander won't run on GPUs
> Best Regards
> Elvis
> On Thu, 1 Oct 2020 at 22:45, aishen <aishen.free.fr
> <mailto:aishen.free.fr>> wrote:
> I compiled amber20_src then you are saying I don't have pmemd,
> very strange ... I think I won't use any more this soft
> Best regards and thank you for the answer
> Henri
> On 01/10/2020 19:02, Elvis Martis wrote:
>> If you did not build amber then you will not find pmemd.
>> pmemd is paid code of amber.
>> Best Regards
>> Elvis
>> On Thu, 1 Oct 2020 at 22:30, aishen <aishen.free.fr
>> <mailto:aishen.free.fr>> wrote:
>> I thaught too but it's not maybe it wasn't build ? could it be ?
>> On 01/10/2020 18:49, Elvis Martis wrote:
>> > Typing "which pmemd" should echo its path.
>> > It is general in $AMBERHOME/bin
>> > Best Regards
>> > Elvis
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > On Thu, 1 Oct 2020 at 22:18, aishen <aishen.free.fr
>> <mailto:aishen.free.fr>> wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi,
>> >>
>> >> I am trying to do this tutorial but I can't find pmemd
>> where is this
>> >> programm from ?
>> >>
>> >>
>> https://amberhub.chpc.utah.edu/analisis-of-nucleic-acid-simulation/
>> >>
>> >> Any help
>> >>
>> >> Regards
>> >>
>> >> Henri
>> >>
>> >>
>> >>
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Received on Thu Oct 01 2020 - 14:00:03 PDT
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