[AMBER] Erro Amber18 GPU

From: Renato Araujo <renatoacufpa.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 30 Jul 2020 16:55:42 -0300

Dear Amber users

I have a GEFORCE GTX 1650 GPU and I'm trying to install amber18 on ubuntu
18.04 LST.

I installed the CUDA Toolkit 10.2 version and then followed the
installation steps in the amber18 manual.

When I went to run a DYNAMIC using the following command

pmemd.cuda -O -i prod.in -p complex_solv.prmtop -c prod1.rst -x prod2.mdcrd
-r prod2.rst -o prod2.out

gave the following message

cudaGetDeviceCount failed forward compatibility was attempted on non
supported HW.

All help is welcome to resolve this error.

Prof Dr Renato Costa
Instituto Federal do ParĂ¡ - IFPA
Grupo de Modelagem Molecular - UFPA
Tel.+55  91 985484622
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Jul 30 2020 - 13:00:02 PDT
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