[AMBER] Problems deriving charges with RESP

From: Lucas Bandeira <bandeiralucas97.gmail.com>
Date: Mon, 27 Jul 2020 21:23:52 -0300

Dear AMBER Community,

When I try to generate charges using RESP I have the following message in
the step1.respout1 file:

 Non-linear optimization requested.
 chgopt: LU decomp gave almost-singular U Non-linear optimization requested.

Another thing that does not seems right is this line:

total number of atoms = 14

The molecule has 144 atoms.

I'm sending in attachment the resp input and output files, and the qin
files for restraining charge values.

Yours faithfully,

Lucas Bandeira

AMBER mailing list

Received on Mon Jul 27 2020 - 17:30:03 PDT
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