[AMBER] OT: Job Posting

From: Lachele Foley <lf.list.gmail.com>
Date: Thu, 16 Jul 2020 19:40:13 -0400

GLYCAM-Web and the Woods Group need a syadmin. This is not a
scientific job, but it is science-adjacent. :-)



Computer Science or a related field is preferred; a relevant
scientific discipline is acceptable if the individual has sufficient
experience and/or training in relevant computing systems management
and design.

The preferred candidate will have experience with as many of the
following general and specific infrastructure components as possible,
and in time will need to have acquired at least general knowledge of
them all.

General knowledge domains: high performance computing, networking
(physical through, application) administration of *NIX operating
systems, terminal service, remote desktop, database management,
container-style virtualization, encryption, web servers, mounted and
networked storage, computing cluster management, authentication,
website security, general server security, domain name service,
continuous integration, automated website testing, website statistics
(generation and analysis), remote procedure calls.

Specific languages include: BASH, Python, JSON, SQL, SPARQL, YAML, HTTP

Specific technologies include: Docker, Traefik, Lets Encrypt, NGINX,
AWStats, Django, gRPC, MariaDB/MySQL, Git, GitHub, WordPress, Slurm,
Doxygen, Virtuoso, Graphviz, OpenMPI, MPICH, LTSP

:-) Lachele
Lachele Foley
Athens, GA USA
AMBER mailing list
Received on Thu Jul 16 2020 - 17:00:02 PDT
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