[AMBER] Default temperature regulation during production run: Missed to declare ntt option

From: Jorden Cabal <jordencabal.gmail.com>
Date: Tue, 14 Jul 2020 20:26:02 +0900

Unfortunately and by mistake, I forgot to use temperature regulating
parameters during starting simulations. Heating and equilibration are fine.
I have checked the out file where parameters are detailed and see no line
describing temperature, but when I see the RMS fluctuation in temperature,
it is maintained almost constant. I was wondering what value of ntt is
taken by default. I am running a simulation under the PBC condition applied.
for reference please see the input parameters

MD run
Please suggest me on this.

Thank you
AMBER mailing list
Received on Tue Jul 14 2020 - 04:30:04 PDT
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